assorted how-tos
Table of ContentsClose
1. Introduction
How-to articles maintained at
generates html tree in $HOME/proj/public_html/org-howto
Recent snapshots available from github pages:
2. Contents
- TIL lessons learned - problems & fixes
- LS2R quirky corner cases
- software projects
- xo: c++/python libraries for event-based simulation; cmake/c++/pybind11/websockets
- xo libraries intro
- xo umbrella repo for all xo libraries (using git submodules)
- xo-nix2 xo nix build using flakes (TODO: update per nix cookbook below)
- xo-nix3 git CI build; using nix-built custom docker container
- docker-xo-builder custom docker container with all xo build deps
- xo: c++/python libraries for event-based simulation; cmake/c++/pybind11/websockets
- cmake-examples progressive walkthrough; cmake/c++/boost/gcov/pybind11/doxygen/sphinx; +nix
- cmake-examples primary repo
- cmake-examples-nix nix build of cmake-examples
- c++ development environment emacs/lsp/cmake/c++/nix/github/docker
- .emacs walkthrough terse!
- org-mode resources
- publish static html org-mode -> github pages
- continuous integration with github + nix + docker
- nix cookbook build your own projects with nix
- unix environment
- windows11 setup wsl2 life hacks
- env/gpg-setup.html GPG setup
- env/email-setup.html email setup
- env/cleanmbox.html automatically tidy email messages
- org-examples cookbook for org-mode publishing
- d3/d3-examples.html d3 (javascript graphics library) examples
- octave/octave-crib.html octave examples
3. .org source
source here: