windows11 setup

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Notes on setup for my primary desktop


1.1. Remap Keyboard

Use PowerToys (free from MS) Keyboard Manager allows directly remapping keys


from to
caps lock ctrl (left)
ctrl (right) caps lock

without the second mapping, if caps lock gets enabled there's no easy way to cancel it.

1.2. Setup OpenSSH

1.2.1. SSH to windows

  1. Enable windows ssh server from system settings.

    To verify running:

    1. open admin powershell

      > Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object Name -like 'OpenSSH*'
      Name  : OpenSSH.Client~~~~
      State : Installed
      Name  : OpenSSH.Server~~~~
      State : NotPresent

      above shows SSH server not running.

    2. enable SSH server (this takes a few minutes):

      > Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
      Path          :
      Online        : True
      RestartNeeded : False
    3. Start SSH service

      > Start-Service sshd
    4. configure to start automatically on boot

      > Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'
    5. ssh-agent also needs assistance

      > Get-Service ssh-agent
      Status   Name                DisplayName
      ------   ----                -----------
      Stopped  ssh-agent           OpenSSH Authentication Agent

      set it to start manually (whenever someone invokes ssh-agent)

      > Get-Service -Name ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
  2. passwordless login
    1. public key in: C:\Users\<myusername>\.ssh\authorized_keys if non-administrator account C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys if administrator account.

      Note that C:\ProgramData is hidden. Can change directory to it in powershell, but it won't normally appear in file explorer.

    2. relax settings in C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config.

      we want to uncomment a few disabled-by-default features:

      PubkeyAuthentication yes
      AllowAgentForwarding yes
      AllowTcpForwarding yes

1.2.2. SSH to WSL2

in wsl2 shell:

  1. install openssh:

    $ sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  2. default config listens on port 22:

    $ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -i port
    #Port 22

    listen on port 2022 instead, since sshd run by windows11 occupies port 22 already

    $ sudo sed -i -E 's:^#Port.*$:Port 2022:' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    $ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -i port
    #Port 2022
  3. start ssh service

    NOTE: relies on systemd. older WSL2 (sometime before 2023) didn't have systemd, so might need to upgrade first

    $ sudo systemctl enable ssh
    Synchronizing state of ssh.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
    $ sudo systemctl stop ssh    # in case already running,  perhaps on wrong port
    $ sudo systemctl start ssh

    should be able to see it running now

    $ ps -A | grep sshd
      20139 ?      00:00:00 sshd

    and verify listening on the right port

    $ netstat -a -n | grep tcp
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
    tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN
    tcp6       0      0 :::2022                 :::*                    LISTEN

    verify wsl2 can ssh to itself

    $ ssh -p 2022 localhost

1.2.3. SSH from external host

in external host's ~/.ssh/ssh_config:

# my windows desktop
Host roly-desktop-23
  User Rcony

# wsl hosted from windows
Host roly-desktop-23-wsl
  User roland
  HostName localhost
  Port 2022
  ProxyJump roly-desktop-23

Then from external host:

$ eval $(ssh-agent -s)
$ ssh-add
$ ssh roly-desktop-23-wsl

Author: Roland Conybeare

Created: 2024-09-08 Sun 18:01
