publishing static HTML

Table of Contents

1. Publish Static HTML

In particular, including this content. Content formatted using org-mode.

Maintaining public .org content here: https://github.com/Rconybea/org-howto

1.1. base emacs configuration for publishing

See also https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-publish-html-tutorial.html

org-publish-project-alist configures org trees for publishing:

;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;; org-mode publishing
(require 'ox-publish)

;; publishing setup -- this is a kitchen sink -- it's intended to cover
;; everything we want org-mode to publish
(setq org-publish-project-alist
         :components ("org-howto-notes" "org-howto-static"))

         :base-directory "~/proj/org-howto"
         :base-extension "org"
         :publishing-directory "~/proj/public_html/org-howto"
         :recursive t
         :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
         :headling-levels 4
         :auto-preamble t

         :base-directory "~/proj/org-howto"
         :base-extension "css\\|html\\|js\\|svg\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif\\|pdf\\|mp3\\|ogg\\|swf"
         :publishing-directory "~/proj/public_html/org-howto"
         :recursive t
         :publishing-function org-publish-attachment

        ; ... additional org trees here ...

With this configuration

~M-x org-publish-project org-howto~

generates HTML content in ~/proj/public_html/org-howto~.

1.2. setup for literate programming

org-mode can automate weaving together content prepared by other programs, for example graphviz.

~/.emacs Configuration for such adopted sources (as of 1oct2023 just graphviz):

;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;; org-mode babel setup
;; (execute dot/ditaa/bash/c++ etc. from .org code blocks)
;; see
;;   [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.html]]
;;   [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/index.html]]
;; code block:
;;   #+begin_src ${language} ${switches} ${headerarguments}
;;     ${body}
;;   #+end_src
;; use header argument
;;   :results output
;; to insert code-block output (i.e. contents of stdout) into .org file below code block
;; use
;;   :results value
;; to just take value of last statement
;; use
;;   :session
;; to share language sub-process across code-blocks.
;; can use
;;   #+name: foo
;; to name an org-mode table;  then:
;;   #+begin_src ... :var myfreevar=foo
;;     ...
;;   #+end_src
;; with body mentioning myfreevar;  .org will substitute foo
;; can do inline coode block with
;;   src_<${lang}>{${code}} or src_<${lang}[${args}]{${code}}
;; e.g.
;;   src_python[:session]{10*x}
;; notes:
;;   [C-c C-v] org-babel prefix
;;   [C-c C-v b] -- evaluate code blocks in buffer
;;   [C-c C-v s] -- evaluate code blocks in subtree
;;   [C-c C-v e] -- evaluate code block at point
;;   [C-c '] M-x org-edit-src-code -- puts code block in new buffer with appropriate mode activated
;;   [C-c M-b p] M-x org-babel-expand-src-block -- show expanded code block prior to evaluation
;;   (org-babel-lob-ingest "path/to/file.org") to share code blogs as 'library'

 '((ditaa . t) ; ditaa
   (dot . t)  ; graphviz [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-dot.html]] see also graphviz-dot-mode

Example .org content using graphviz:

#+begin_src dot :file img/living-room-av/macmini.svg :exports results :cmdline -Tsvg
digraph {
  s [label="mac mini", shape="box"];
  r [label="receiver", shape="box"];
  m [label="monitor", shape="box"];
  sp [label="spkr", shape="ellipse"];
  s -> r[label="VDP",color="red"];
  s -> m[label="input#2",color="blue"];
  r -> sp[color="red"];

publishing (or using C-c C-v b) creates/updates file in img/living-room-av/macmini.svg

1.3. HTML theme

Using Fabrice Niessen's awesome readtheorg theme see org-html-themes Cloned .setup file to org-howto/ext/fniessen/theme-readtheorg.setup. Apply theme by including the following in each .org header:

# options used exclusively by the html exporter
#+setupfile: ext/fniessen/theme-readtheorg.setup

1.4. display HTML locally

Once we have HTML in ~/proj/public_html/org-howto, can view it locally:

python3 -m http.server --directory ~/proj/public_html/org-howto 8080

then point browser to localhost:8080 (or for the content you're reading now: localhost:8080/env/development-environment.html)

Caveat: builtin python webserver doesn't support https.

1.5. publish to github pages

To work with github pages, We tweak the .org tree slightly:

cd ~/proj/org-howto
ln -s ext web

This is to match the github repo name https://github.com/Rconybea/web. When we publish .org tree to github pages, it appears at https://rconybea.github.io/web

.org pages that want to use root-relative paths, prefix with /web:

#+infojs_opt: view:showall toc:nil ltoc:nil mouse:#ffc0c0 path:/web/ext/orginfo/org-info.js
#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/web/css/notebook.css" />
  1. github pages: /web/ext/orginfo/org-info.js resolves via ext/orginfo/org-info.js..
  2. natively hosted: /web/ext/orginfo/org-info.js resolves via web/ext/orginfo-org-info.js.

Note that org-publish expands the web symlink, so everything under the ext tree will be duplicated

1.6. package as docker container

We can snapshot and serve generated html in a dedicated docker container with this flake.nix (in ~/proj/public_html, given html output written to ~/proj/public_html/org-howto)

  description = "publish org-howto-derived html";

  # dependencies of this flake
  inputs = rec {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/23.05";
    org_howto_path = {
      url = "./org-howto";
      flake = false;

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, org_howto_path } :
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };

      # creates shell script 'serve-org-howto'.
      # to use:
      #   $ cd ~/proj/public_html
      # A.
      #   $ nix build
      #   $ ./result/bin/serve-org-howto
      # B.
      #   $ nix run
      serve_org_howto_deriv = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "serve-org-howto" ''
        ${pkgs.python3}/bin/python3 -m http.server 8080 --directory ${org_howto_path}

      # builds custom docker image!
      serve_org_howto_docker_deriv =
          serve_org_howto = self.packages.${system}.serve_org_howto;
          pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
            name = serve_org_howto.name;
            tag = "1.0";
            contents = [ serve_org_howto ];

            config = {
              Cmd = [ "/bin/serve-org-howto" ];
              WorkingDir = "/";

    in rec {
      packages.${system} = {
        default = serve_org_howto_deriv;

        serve_org_howto = serve_org_howto_deriv;
        serve_org_howto_docker = serve_org_howto_docker_deriv;
  1. build docker container image using ~/proj/public_html/flake.nix:

    $ cd ~/proj/public_html
    $ nix build
    $ ls -ld result
  2. load image into docker

    $ docker load <./result

    or send to some other host:

    $ mycloudhost=...
    $ scp /nix/store/dck2rix8n8sx6wi0d4is0fq17c72ddqx-serve-org-howto.tar.gz root@${mycloudhost}
    $ ssh ${mycloudhost}
    mycloudhost$ docker load < /nix/store/dck2rix8n8sx6wi0d4is0fq17c72ddqx-serve-org-howto.tar.gz
    mycloudhost$ docker images
    REPOSITORY        TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    serve-org-howto   1.0       113e8c1232fa   53 years ago   165MB
    mycloudhost$ docker run serve-org-howto

    HTML tree now served from ${mycloudhost}:8080

    Docker image contains only python and our html tree, so much smaller than typical image.

Author: Roland Conybeare

Created: 2024-09-08 Sun 18:01
