
Dimensioned quantity with compile-time unit checking/conversion


#include <xo/unit/quantity.hpp>


object qty1<<quantity>>
qty1 : scale = 1.23

rectangle constexpr #e0f0ff {

object unit<<scaled_unit>>
unit : is_natural() = true

qty1 o-- unit : s_scaled_unit (static constexpr)


  • Arithmetic on xo::qty::quantity instances does not use xo::qty::quantity::s_scaled_unit at runtime; instead gets everything it needs at compile time.

  • The xo::qty::quantity template takes a xo::qty::scaled_unit instance, but only accepts values with xo::qty::scaled_unit::is_natural() == true.

    This accomodation (instead of requiring a xo::qty::natural_unit instance is to make possible code like this possible:

    #include "xo/unit/quantity.hpp"
    using namespace xo::qty;
    quantity<u::meter / u::second> x;
    quantity<u::meter * u::mter> y;

    while rejecting attempt to mix multiple scales in the same quantity value:

    quantity<u::meter * u::millimeter> x; // will not compile


The primary data structure for interacting with xo-unit is the template class xo::qty::quantity. A quantity is a compile-time wrapper around a single arithmetic value, with type taken from the Repr parameter in quantity<Unit, Repr>.

template<auto ScaledUnit, typename Repr = double>
class quantity

represent a scalar quantity with associated units.

  • NaturalUnit is a non-type template parameter identifying a unit used for this quantity. In xo-unit it will be an instance of natural_unit

  • Repr is a type used to represent a multiple of NaturalUnit.

Enforce dimensional consistency at compile time. sizeof(quantity) == sizeof(Repr).

A quantity’s runtime state consists of exactly one Repr instance:

sizeof(quantity<NaturalUnit, Repr>) == sizeof(Repr)

Member Variables

group quantity-static-vars


static constexpr scaled_unit<ratio_int_type> s_scaled_unit = ScaledUnit

unit for quantity of this type. Determined at compile-time

group quantity-instance-vars


Repr scale_ = Repr{}

quantity represents this multiple of s_scaled_unit

Type Traits

group quantity-type-traits


using repr_type = Repr

runtime representation for value of this type

using unit_type = decltype(ScaledUnit)

type used to represent unit information

using ratio_int_type = unit_type::ratio_int_type

type used for numerator and denominator in basis-unit scalefactor ratios

using ratio_int2x_type = detail::width2x_t<typename unit_type::ratio_int_type>

double-width type used for numerator and denominator of intermediate scalefactor ratios. Used to mitigate loss of precision during computation of conversion factors between units with widely-differing magnitude


group quantity-ctors


inline constexpr quantity()

create a zero amount with dimension ScaledUnit

inline explicit constexpr quantity(Repr scale)

create a quantity representing scale ScaledUnits

The simplest way to create a quantity instance is to use either


group quantity-assignment


inline quantity &operator=(const quantity &x)

assignment from quantity with identical units

template<typename Q2>
inline quantity &operator=(const Q2 &x)

assignment from quantity with compatible units

Access Methods

group quantity-access-methods


inline constexpr const repr_type &scale() const

value of scale_ in quantity representing amount (scale_ * s_unit)

inline constexpr const unit_type &unit() const

s_unit in quantity representing amount (scale_ * s_unit)

inline constexpr bool is_dimensionless() const

true iff this quantity represents a dimensionless value


group quantity-constants


static constexpr bool always_constexpr_unit = true

Use to distinguish quantity from xquantity instances.

Useful in c++ template resolution.

Conversion Methods

Amount-preserving conversion to quantities with different units and/or representation.

group quantity-unit-conversion


template<typename Unit2, typename Repr2 = repr_type>
inline constexpr quantity<Unit2, Repr2> with_unit() const

convert to quantity representing the same amount, but changing units and perhaps representation.

These two expressions are equivalent:

quantity<units::millisecond, q::repr_type>(q);

template<typename BasisUnit2, typename Repr2 = repr_type>
inline constexpr auto with_basis_unit() const

produce quantity scaled according to BasisUnit2, representing the same value as *this.

For example:

auto q1 = 1.0 / minutes(1) * kilograms(2.5);         // q1 = 2.5kg.min^-1
auto q2 = q1.with_basis_unit<units::millisecond>();  // q2 in kg.ms^-1

Motivation is ability to chain rescaling to reach desired compound unit

auto q3 = q1.with_basis_unit<units::second>()
            .with_basis_unit<units::gram>();   // q3 in g.s^-1
template<typename Quantity>
inline auto with_units_from(Quantity q) const

express this quantity in the same units as q


q – take units from q::unit_type, ignoring q.scale()


*this and q must have the same dimension


this amount, but expressed using the same units as q

template<typename Unit2, typename Repr2 = repr_type>
inline auto with_units() const

express this quantity in units of Unit2.

Unit2 specifies new units Repr2 specifies representation


this amount, but expressed as a multiple of Unit2

template<typename Unit2, typename Repr2 = repr_type>
inline Repr2 in_units_of() const

compute scale with respect to Unit2

Unit2 rescale in terms of this unit. Repr2 compute scale in this representation


*this must have the same dimension as Unit2


scale to use for quantity<Unit2,Repr2> representing the same amount as *this.

template<typename Repr2>
inline constexpr quantity<unit_type, Repr2> with_repr() const

convert to quantity with representation Repr2


a quantity representing the same amount as *this, but using representation Repr2

template<natural_unit<ratio_int_type> NaturalUnit2>
inline constexpr auto rescale() const
template<scaled_unit<ratio_int_type> ScaledUnit2>
inline constexpr auto rescale_ext() const
template<typename Q2>
inline constexpr operator Q2() const

Arithmetic Operators


doxygengroup: Cannot find group “quantity-operators” in doxygen xml output for project “xodoxxml” from directory: /home/roland/proj/xo/xo-unit/.build-ccov/docs/dox/xml

Support methods for arithmetic operations

group quantity-arithmetic-support


inline constexpr auto reciprocal() const


Support methods for comparison operators

group quantity-comparison-support


template<typename Quantity2>
static inline constexpr auto compare(const quantity &x, const Quantity2 &y)