
Library dependency tower for xo-unit:


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Abstraction tower for xo-unit components:

  • quantity:

    A quantity with unit checking and conversion done at compile-time

    #include "xo/unit/quantity.hpp"
    auto q1 = xo::qty::qty::kilometers(7.5);
  • xquantity:

    A quantity with unit checking and conversion done at run-time. This is useful if unit information isn’t known at compile time, for example if reading units from console input.

    #include "xo/unit/xquantity.hpp"
    xquantity qty1(7.5, xo::qty::u::foot)
  • scaled_unit:

    #include "xo/unit/scaled_unit.hpp"
    auto u = xo::qty::u::millimeter;

    A unit involving zero or more dimensions, and associated conversion factor.

    • can express result of arithmetic involving multiple scales, by reporting an outer scalefactor

    • a scaled unit is ‘natural’ if its outer scalefactor is 1.

    • quantities are represented by associating a natural scaled_unit instance

    • scaled_units are closed under multiplication and division.

    • multiplication and division commit to a single basis_unit for each dimension.

  • natural_unit

    #include "xo/unit/natural_unit.hpp"
    auto u = xo::qty::nu::millimeter;

    A unit involving zero or more dimensions, and at most one scale per dimension. A quantity instance is always represented as a dimensionless multiple of a natural unit

    • natural_units are not closed under multiplication and division. (for example consider xo::qty::qty::foot * xo::qty::qty::meter)

  • bpu

    A rational (usually integer) power of a basis unit. Has a single dimension.

    #include "xo/unit/bpu.hpp"
                 xo::qty::power_ratio_type(2));  // mm^2
  • bu_store

    Associates basis units with abbreviations. Abbreviations used to decorate printed quantities.

    For example bu::kilogram => "kg"

    #include "xo/unit/bu_store.hpp"
    xo::qty::bu_abbrev_store.bu_abbrev(xo::qty::detail::bu::picogram); // "pg"
  • basis_unit

    A unit with a single dimension and scale.

    #include "xo/unit/basis_unit.hpp"
    auto b = xo::qty::detail::bu::picogram;
  • dimension

    identifies a dimension, such as mass or time.

    #include "xo/unit/dimension.hpp"
    auto d = xo::qty::dimension::mass;


Worked example using xo::qty::quantity.

1#include "xo/unit/quantity.hpp"
3using xo::qty;
4namespace q = xo::qty::qty;
6// 7.55km.min^-2
7quantity qty1 = 7.55 * q::kilometer / (q::minute * q::minute);

Note: in diagrams below, components with pale blue background are discarded before runtime

object qty1<<quantity>>
qty1 : scale = 7.55

rectangle #e0f0ff {

object km_per_min2<<natural_unit>>
km_per_min2 : n_bpu = 2
km_per_min2 : bpu[0] = km
km_per_min2 : bpu[1] = per_min

object km<<bpu>>
km : native_dim = dim.mass
km : scalefactor = 1000/1
km : power = 1

object per_min2<<bpu>>
per_min2 : native_dim = dim.time
per_min2 : scalefactor = 60/1
per_min2 : power = -2

qty1 o-- km_per_min2 : s_unit (static constexpr)

km_per_min2 *-- km
km_per_min2 *-- per_min2


representation for quantity 7.55km.min^-2

1// 123ng
2quantity qty2 = q::nanograms(123);

object qty2<<quantity>>
qty2 : scale = 123

rectangle #e0f0ff {

object ng_unit<<natural_unit>>
ng_unit : n_bpu = 1
ng_unit : bpu[0] = ng

object ng<<bpu>>
ng : native_dim = dim::mass
ng : scalefactor = 1/10^9
ng : power = 1

qty2 o-- ng_unit : s_unit (static constexpr)

ng_unit *-- ng


representation for quantity 123 nanograms

1// (123*7.55)^-2
2quantity qty3 = qty2 * qty1;

object qty3<<quantity>>
qty3 : scale = 928.65

rectangle #e0f0ff {

  object ng_km_min2_unit<<natural_unit>>
  ng_km_min2_unit : n_bpu = 3
  ng_km_min2_unit : bpu[0] = ng
  ng_km_min2_unit : bpu[1] = km
  ng_km_min2_unit : bpu[2] = per_min2

  object ng<<bpu>>
  ng : native_dim = dim::mass
  ng : scalefactor = 1/10^9
  ng : power = 1

  object km<<bpu>>
  km : native_dim = dim::distance
  km : scalefactor = 1000/1
  km : power = 1

  object per_min2<<bpu>>
  per_min2 : native_dim = dim::time
  per_min2 : scalefactor = 60/1
  per_min2 : power = -2

  qty3 o-- ng_km_min2_unit : s_unit (static constexpr)

  ng_km_min2_unit *-- ng
  ng_km_min2_unit *-- km
  ng_km_min2_unit *-- per_min2

quantity 928.65^-2

1namespace u = xo::qty::u;
3// (123*7.55)^-2  ==>  2.57958e-10kg.m.s^-2
5constexpr auto newton = u::kilogram * u::meter / (u::second * u::second);
7quantity<newton> qty3b = qty3;
9// quantity qty3b = qty3.rescale_ext<newton>();

object qty3b<<quantity>>
qty3b : scale = 2.59758e-10

rectangle #e0f0ff {

  object kg_m_s2_unit<<natural_unit>>
  kg_m_s2_unit : n_bpu = 3
  kg_m_s2_unit : bpu[0] = kg
  kg_m_s2_unit : bpu[1] = m
  kg_m_s2_unit : bpu[2] = per_s2

  object kg<<bpu>>
  kg : native_dim = dim::mass
  kg : scalefactor = 1000/1
  kg : power = 1

  object m<<bpu>>
  m : native_dim = dim::distance
  m : scalefactor = 1/1
  m : power = 1

  object per_s2<<bpu>>
  per_s2 : native_dim = dim::time
  per_s2 : scalefactor = 1/1
  per_s2 : power = -2

  qty3b o-- kg_m_s2_unit : s_unit (static constexpr)

  kg_m_s2_unit *-- kg
  kg_m_s2_unit *-- m
  kg_m_s2_unit *-- per_s2

quantity 928.65^-2