d3/drag1 .org source
#+title: d3 draggable object example #1 -- standalone
# org-publish options
# H:2 controls section numbering.
# number top-level and second-level headings only
# ^:{} require a_{b} before assuming that b should be subscripted.
# without this option a_b will automatically subscript b.
#+options: ^:{}
# options used exclusively by emacs
#+startup: showall
# options used exclusively by the html exporter
#+language: en
#+infojs_opt: view:showall toc:nil ltoc:nil mouse:#ffc0c0 path:/web/ext/orginfo/org-info.js
#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/web/css/notebook.css" />
#+html_link_home: ../../index.html
#+html_link_up: ../../index.html
* Introduction
Creating a draggable object in d3.
Followed guide originally here (sadly now-broken link):
- ~.org~ source for this file is here: file:index-src.org
* Try it here
- [[http:drag-example.html]]
* Prerequisites
1. A directory tree ~$HTTP_ROOT~ that you can visit in a browser or serve via http.
I'm using ~$HOME/proj/public_html/org-howto~, for example
2. Mike Bostock's ~d3~ installed in ~$HTTP_ROOT/ext/d3~:
#+begin_src sh :results output :exports both
ls -l $HOME/proj/public_html/org-howto/ext/d3
: total 336
: -rw-rw-r-- 1 roland roland 151725 Mar 12 00:06 d3.v3.min.js
3. Optionally, a webserver making ~$HTTP_ROOT~ available over http,
for example:
cd $HOME/Dropbox/public_html
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
When this is in place,
we should be able to bring up ~d3.js~ in a browser here: http:/ext/d3/d3.js
* Procedure
** Create skeleton html file
This is the file browser will load to deliver our example.
Create ~drag-example.html~.
#+include: "drag-example.html" example
** Create javascript file drag-example.js
Create ~drag-example.js~.
This is where our ~d3~ code lives.
#+include: "drag-example.js" example
Author: Roland Conybeare
Created: 2024-09-08 Sun 18:01