[9sep2024] fontconfig+nix: getting fonts via nix

Table of Contents

1. Problem

Setting up new desktop PC running windows 11 + WSL2 + nix.

Invoking emacs from xo-nix2 flake (https://github.com/rconybea/xo-nix2/flake.nix) reveals that emacs doesn't get inconsolata from nix as I thought – .emacs complains that Inconsolata isn't available, and reverts to some non-fixed-width font (probably Ubuntu Sans or something).

Previous PC not immediately accessible (it's in NYC, and I'm writing this from Chicago); but from memory had installed an ubuntu package to make this work.

Since I couldn't quickly find ubuntu package, looked into incorporating nixpkgs-provided fonts into my WSL2/ubuntu account setup.

2. Strategy

Want to use something like

nix-env -i inconsolata-lgc

to make a font available. This command populates ~/.nix-profile/share/fonts, but need something more to get ubuntu to see them.

3. Investigation

Arch linux wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Font_configuration has good writeup on fonts.

4. Solution

4.1. Add fontconfig dir

Need to provide .config/fontconfig/fonts.conf :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd">

    After changing this file:
    $ fc-cache -fv

    List available fonts:
    $ fc-list

    <!-- also pull in any fonts provided via nix package manager -->


fontconfig already knows to look in this location

4.2. Tweak .emacs

With this change, add to ~/.emacs:

(set-frame-font "Inconsolata LGC 9" nil t)

That's all!

Author: Roland Conybeare

Created: 2024-09-08 Sun 18:01
