octave crib .org source

#+title: octave crib
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* Octave examples
  this page gathers some octave examples

** start octave
   $ octave

** comments
   octave> x=2 % everything after the % is ignored

** directory commands from octave prompt
   octave> pwd
   ans = /home/roland/proj/coursera/machine-learning-ex4

   octave> ls
   ex4 ex4.pdf

** run octave code
   octave> run ex4/ex4.m

** define function
   octave> function f = f(x)
   f = 3*x^3 + 2;

   octave> f(2)
   ans = 26

** for-loops
   octave> fib=ones(1,11);
   octave> fib(1)=0;
   octave> for i=3:11
   octave>   fib(i)=fib(i-1)+fib(i-2);
   octave> endfor
   octave> fib
   fib =
      0   1   1   2   3   5   8  13  21  34  55

* Provenance
  - ~.org~ source for this page is here: file:octave-crib-src.org
  - git hash: src_sh{git rev-parse HEAD}

Author: Roland Conybeare

Created: 2024-09-08 Sun 18:01
